General Social Characteristics, 2000 data (id:0473700, place: Three Points CDP, Arizona)SCHOOL ENROLLMENTPopulation 3 years and over enrolled in school: 1,530 (100%)
Nursery school, preschool: 47 (3.07%)
Kindergarten: 105 (6.86%)
Elementary school (grades 1-8): 855 (55.88%)
High school (grades 9-12): 330 (21.57%)
College or graduate school: 193 (12.61%)
EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENTPopulation 25 years and over: 3,150 (100%)
Less than 9th grade: 327 (10.38%)
9th to 12th grade, no diploma: 586 (18.6%)
High school graduate (includes equivalency): 964 (30.6%)
Some college, no degree: 768 (24.38%)
Associate degree: 159 (5.05%)
Bachelor's degree: 206 (6.54%)
Graduate or professional degree: 140 (4.44%)
Percent high school graduate or higher: 71%
Percent bachelor's degree or higher: 11%
MARITIAL STATUSPopulation 15 years and over: 3,826 (100%)
Never married: 873 (22.82%)
Now married, except separated: 2,226 (58.18%)
Separated: 58 (1.52%)
Total Widowed: 190 (4.97%)
Widowed Female: 132 (3.45%)
Total Divorced: 479 (12.52%)
Divorced Female: 227 (5.93%)
GRANDPARENTS AS CAREGIVERSGrandparent living in household with one or more own grandchildren under 18 years: 202 (100%)
Grandparent responsible for grandchildren: 138 (68.32%)
VETERAN STATUSCivilian population 18 years and over: 3,577 (100%)
Civilian veterans: 621 (17.36%)
--With a disability: 171 (11.23%)
Population 21 to 64 years: 2,960 (100%)
--With a disability: 831 (28.07%)
----Percent employed: 55.5%
--No disability: 2,129 (71.93%)
----Percent employed: 67%
Population 65 years and over: 392 (100%)
--With a disability: 222 (56.63%)
RESIDENCE IN 1995Population 5 years and over: 4,881 (100%)
Same house in 1995: 2,579 (52.84%)
Different house in the U.S. in 1995: 2,211 (45.3%)
--Same county: 1,507 (30.87%)
--Different county: 704 (14.42%)
----Same state: 223 (4.57%)
----Different state: 481 (9.85%)
Elsewhere in 1995: 91 (1.86%)
NATIVITY AND PLACE OF BIRTHTotal population: 5,248 (100%)
Native: 4,651 (88.62%)
--Born in United States: 4,591 (100%)
----State of residence: 2,369 (45.14%)
----Different state: 2,222 (42.34%)
--Born outside United States: 60 (1.14%)
Foreign born: 597 (11.38%)
----Entered 1990 to March 2000: 130 (2.48%)
--Naturalized citizen: 258 (4.92%)
--Not a citizen: 339 (6.46%)
REGION OF BIRTH OF FOREIGN BORNTotal (excluding born at sea): 597 (100%)
Europe: 47 (7.87%)
Asia: 21 (3.52%)
Africa: 4 (0.67%)
Oceania: 2 (0.34%)
Latin America: 510 (85.43%)
Northern America: 13 (2.18%)
LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOMEPopulation 5 years and over: 4,881 (100%)
English only: 3,283 (67.26%)
Language other than English: 1,598 (32.74%)
----Speak English less than "very well": 555 (11.37%)
--Spanish: 1,522 (31.18%)
----Speak English less than "very well": 529 (10.84%)
--Other Indo-European languages: 49 (1%)
----Speak English less than "very well": 5 (0.1%)
--Asian and Pacific Island languages: 10 (0.2%)
----Speak English less than "very well": 7 (0.14%)
ANCESTRY (single or multiple)Total population: 5,248 (100%)
Total ancestries reported: 5,686% (108.35%)
Arab: 12 (0.23%)
Czech: 17 (0.32%)
Danish: 20 (0.38%)
Dutch: 82 (1.56%)
English: 440 (8.38%)
French (except Basque): 186 (3.54%)
French Canadian: 58 (1.11%)
German: 826 (15.74%)
Greek: 7 (0.13%)
Hungarian: 16 (0.3%)
Irish: 566 (10.79%)
Italian: 191 (3.64%)
Lithuanian: 5 (0.1%)
Norwegian: 40 (0.76%)
Polish: 61 (1.16%)
Portuguese: 5 (0.1%)
Russian: 14 (0.27%)
Scotch-Irish: 85 (1.62%)
Scottish: 96 (1.83%)
Slovak: 18 (0.34%)
Subsaharan African: 9 (0.17%)
Swedish: 47 (0.9%)
Swiss: 13 (0.25%)
Ukrainian: 9 (0.17%)
United States or American: 220 (4.19%)
Welsh: 35 (0.67%)
West Indian (excluding Hispanic groups): 2 (0.04%)
Other ancestries: 2,606 (49.66%)
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