General Economic Characteristics, 2000 data (id:4044300, place: Loyal town, Oklahoma)EMPLOYMENT STATUSPopulation 16 years and over: 59 (100%)
In labor force: 43 (72.88%)
--Civilian labor force: 43 (72.88%)
----Employed: 36 (61.02%)
----Unemployed: 7 (11.86%)
------Percent of civilian labor force: 16.3%
--Armed Forces: 0 (0%)
Not in labor force: 16 (27.12%)
Females 16 years and over: 32 (54.24%)
In labor force: 19 (32.2%)
--Civilian labor force: 19 (32.2%)
----Employed: 14 (23.73%)
Own children under 6 years: 7 (11.86%)
All parents in family in labor force: 4 (6.78%)
COMMUTING TO WORKWorkers 16 years and over: 36 (100%)
Car, truck, or van - - drove alone: 27 (75%)
Car, truck, or van - - carpooled: 8 (22.22%)
Public transportation (including taxicab): 0 (0%)
Walked: 0 (0%)
Other means: 1 (2.78%)
Worked at home: 0 (0%)
Mean travel time to work: 31.8 minutes
OCCUPATIONEmployed civilian population 16 years and over: 36 (100%)
Management, professional, and related occupations: 3 (8.33%)
Service occupations: 4 (11.11%)
Sales and office occupations: 13 (36.11%)
Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations.: 2 (5.56%)
Construction, extraction, and maintenance occupations: 6 (16.67%)
Production, transportation, and material moving occupations: 8 (22.22%)
INDUSTRYAgriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining: 5 (13.89%)
Construction: 4 (11.11%)
Manufacturing: 4 (11.11%)
Wholesale trade.: 0 (0%)
Retail trade: 7 (19.44%)
Transportation and warehousing, and utilities: 8 (22.22%)
Information: 0 (0%)
Finance, insurance, real estate, and rental and leasing: 0 (0%)
Professional, scientific, management, administrative, and waste management services: 1 (2.78%)
Educational, health and social services: 3 (8.33%)
Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation and food services: 4 (11.11%)
Other services (except public administration): 0 (0%)
Public administration: 0 (0%)
CLASS OF WORKERPrivate wage and salary workers: 29 (80.56%)
Government workers: 3 (8.33%)
Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business: 4 (11.11%)
Unpaid family workers: 0 (0%)
INCOME IN 1999Households: 34 (100%)
Less than $10,000: 12 (35.29%)
$10,000 to $14,999: 5 (14.71%)
$15,000 to $24,999: 3 (8.82%)
$25,000 to $34,999: 4 (11.76%)
$35,000 to $49,999: 2 (5.88%)
$50,000 to $74,999: 4 (11.76%)
$75,000 to $99,999: 2 (5.88%)
$100,000 to $149,999: 2 (5.88%)
$150,000 to $199,999: 0 (0%)
$200,000 or more: 0 (0%)
Median household income: $18,750
With earnings: 29 (85.29%)
--Mean earnings: $32,103
With Social Security income: 2 (5.88%)
--Mean Social Security income: $8,100
With Supplemental Security Income: 5 (14.71%)
--Mean Supplemental Security Income: $5,420
With public assistance income: 1 (2.94%)
--Mean public assistance income: $500
With retirement income: 0 (0%)
--Mean retirement income: $0
Families: 21 (100%)
Less than $10,000: 6 (28.57%)
$10,000 to $14,999: 4 (19.05%)
$15,000 to $24,999: 1 (4.76%)
$25,000 to $34,999: 4 (19.05%)
$35,000 to $49,999: 0 (0%)
$50,000 to $74,999: 4 (19.05%)
$75,000 to $99,999: 0 (0%)
$100,000 to $149,999: 2 (9.52%)
$150,000 to $199,999: 0 (0%)
$200,000 or more: 0 (0%)
Median family income: $21,250
Per capita income: $12,673
Median earnings (dollars)Male full-time, year-round workers: $32,500
Female full-time, year-round workers: $20,625
POVERTY STATUS IN 1999Families: 8 (38.1%)
--With related children under 18 years: 6 (28.57%)
----With related children under 5 years: 2 (9.52%)
Families with female householder, no husband present: 6 (28.57%)
--With related children under 18 years: 6 (28.57%)
----With related children under 5 years: 2 (9.52%)
Individuals: 27 (128.57%)
--18 years and over: 19 (90.48%)
----65 years and over: 0 (0%)
--Related children under 18 years: 7 (33.33%)
----Related children 5 to 17 years: 6 (28.57%)
--Unrelated individuals 15 years and over: 10 (47.62%)
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