IDEAL is located in TRIPP county, South Dakota at latitude 43.615797 and longitude -99.931869. The population of IDEAL is 262 as of the year 2000. The most common zip code of IDEAL is
Population 2000: 262 (2000 Zip Code Based Est.)
Housing Units: 92 (2000 Zip Code Based Est.) Land Area: 144.7278 square miles Water Area: 0.5431 square miles
Most populous zip code: 57541

Cities & Towns nearby Ideal
Witten, SD 10mi SW
Hamill, SD 12.6mi E
New Witten, SD 14.3mi SSW
Carter, SD 16mi SW
Winner, SD 17.1mi SSE
Kennebec, SD 20.2mi N
Presho, SD 21mi NNW
Iona, SD 22.7mi E
Reliance, SD 24.5mi NE
Colome, SD 26.9mi SSE
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