January 6, 2014 |
Sumpter, ORBaker County, Oregon
Latitude: 44.746229 Longitude: -118.199149Population 161 (2005)Elevation of Sumpter, Oregon: 4480 feet |
Population 2005: 161 Population 2004: 164 Population 2003: 166 Population 2002: 167 Population 2001: 170 Population 2000: 171 (2000 Census) Population 1990: 119 (1990 Census) Population Growth 2000 to 2005: -5.85% Population Growth 1990 to 2000: 43.70% Population (2000 Census): 171 Male: 95 (55.56%) Female: 76 (44.44%) Median age: 55.40 years Races, 2000 Census: White: 95.91% Two or more races: 2.34% American Indian: 1.17% Hispanic or Latino: 0.58% Housing Units: 215 (2000 Census) Land Area: 2.1801 square miles Most populous zip code: 97877 |