January 6, 2014 |
Prairie City, ORGrant County, Oregon
Latitude: 44.459459 Longitude: -118.709271Population 965 (2005)Elevation of Prairie City, Oregon: 3538 feet |
Population 2005: 965 Population 2004: 977 Population 2003: 992 Population 2002: 998 Population 2001: 1,016 Population 2000: 1,080 (2000 Census) Population 1990: 1,117 (1990 Census) Population Growth 2000 to 2005: -10.65% Population Growth 1990 to 2000: -3.31% Population (2000 Census): 1,080 Male: 547 (50.65%) Female: 533 (49.35%) Median age: 42.40 years Races, 2000 Census: White: 94.81% American Indian: 2.13% Hispanic or Latino: 1.67% Other race: 1.20% Two or more races: 1.02% Asian: 0.09% Housing Units: 493 (2000 Census) Land Area: 0.9467 square miles Most populous zip code: 97869 |