U.S. Beacon January 6, 2014

Kirtland, NM

San Juan County, New Mexico

Latitude: 36.741470     Longitude: -108.348064
Population 6,190 (2000)
Elevation of Kirtland, New Mexico: 5185 feet
KIRTLAND is located in SAN JUAN county, New Mexico at latitude 36.741470 and longitude -108.348064 with an elevation of 5185 feet. The population of KIRTLAND is 6,190 as of the year 2000. The most common zip code of KIRTLAND is 87417.

More data for Kirtland,NM: Demographic Profile - Social Profile - Economic Profile - Housing Profile

Population 2000: 6,190 (2000 Census)
Population 1990: 3,552 (1990 Census)

Population Growth 1990 to 2000: 74.27%

Population (2000 Census): 6,190
Male: 3,064 (49.50%)
Female: 3,126 (50.50%)

Median age: 27.40 years

Races, 2000 Census:
American Indian: 48.93%
White: 40.10%
Hispanic or Latino: 9.45%
Other race: 4.26%
Two or more races: 2.97%
Asian: 0.24%
Black or African American: 0.19%
Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander: 0.02%

Housing Units: 1,994 (2000 Census)
Land Area: 11.6693 square miles
Water Area: 0.2776 square miles

Most populous zip code: 87417

Cities & Towns nearby Kirtland

Upper Fruitland, NM 3.1mi ESE
Ojo Amarillo, NM 3.5mi SSW
Nenahnezad, NM 3.8mi W
Fruitland, NM 8.2mi SW
Farmington, NM 8.8mi E
Napi Hq, NM 9.4mi SE
Flora Vista, NM 15.3mi ENE
La Plata, NM 16.6mi NE
Waterflow, NM 18mi WNW
Shiprock, NM 19.1mi W

More data for Kirtland,NM: Demographic Profile - Social Profile - Economic Profile - Housing Profile

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