BRIMHALL is located in MCKINLEY county, New Mexico at latitude 35.766353 and longitude -108.570465. The population of BRIMHALL is 894 as of the year 2000. The most common zip code of BRIMHALL is
Population 2000: 894 (2000 Zip Code Based Est.)
Housing Units: 373 (2000 Zip Code Based Est.) Land Area: 118.2288 square miles Water Area: 0.0179 square miles
Most populous zip code: 87310

Cities & Towns nearby Brimhall
Brimhall Nizhoni, NM 3.4mi W
Tohatchi, NM 11.7mi WNW
Twin Lakes, NM 12.2mi WSW
Nakaibito, NM 13.4mi W
Yatahey, NM 13.8mi WSW
Yah-ta-hey, NM 15.7mi SW
Gamerco, NM 16mi SW
Church Rock, NM 16.2mi S
Rehoboth, NM 16.8mi SSW
Mexican Springs, NM 17.1mi W
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