PATERSON is located in PASSAIC county, New Jersey at latitude 40.915498 and longitude -74.162927 with an elevation of 70 feet. The population of PATERSON is 149,843 as of the year 2005 with a population growth of 0.42% from the year 2000 through 2005. The most common zip code of PATERSON is
Population 2005: 149,843 Population 2004: 150,418 Population 2003: 150,918 Population 2002: 150,893 Population 2001: 150,280 Population 2000: 149,222 (2000 Census) Population 1990: 140,891 (1990 Census)
Population Growth 2000 to 2005: 0.42% Population Growth 1990 to 2000: 5.91%
Population (2005 Estimate): 148,353 Male: 69,972 (47.17%) Female: 78,381 (52.83%)
Median age: 28.90 years
Races, 2005 Data (% change from 2000): Hispanic or Latino: 56.16% (+6.05%) Other race: 36.26% (+8.66%) Black or African American: 29.95% (-2.95%) White: 12.33% (-0.92%) Asian: 2.16% (+0.26%) Two or more races: 1.44% (-4.73%) American Indian: 0.30% (-0.30%)
Housing Units: 47,169 (2000 Census) Land Area: 8.4424 square miles Water Area: 0.2915 square miles
Most populous zip code: 07501
All zip codes:
07501, 07502, 07503, 07504, 07505, 07509, 07510, 07513, 07514, 07522, 07524, 07533, 07543, 07544(zip codes with population are shown in bold)Cities & Towns nearby Paterson
Prospect Park, NJ 1.5mi NNW
Haledon, NJ 1.9mi NW
Elmwood Park, NJ 2.4mi ESE
West Paterson, NJ 2.4mi SW
Fair Lawn, NJ 2.7mi ENE
Hawthorne, NJ 2.9mi N
Totowa, NJ 3mi WSW
Clifton, NJ 3.3mi SNorth Haledon, NJ 3.4mi NNW
Saddle Brook, NJ 3.7mi ESE
Population data by age, 2005 dataUnder 5 years: 16,149 (10.89%)
5 to 9 years: 8,957 (6.04%)
10 to 14 years: 12,740 (8.59%)
15 to 19 years: 13,992 (9.43%)
20 to 24 years: 13,417 (9.04%)
25 to 34 years: 20,183 (13.60%)
35 to 44 years: 19,005 (12.81%)
45 to 54 years: 19,936 (13.44%)
55 to 59 years: 7,554 (5.09%)
60 to 64 years: 4,856 (3.27%)
65 to 74 years: 5,975 (4.03%)
75 to 84 years: 3,916 (2.64%)
85 years and over: 1,673 (1.13%)
Median age: 28.90 yearsPopulation data by age, legal ages, 2005 data18 years and over: 101,986 (68.75%)
21 years and over: 93,055 (62.73%)
62 years and over: 14,286 (9.63%)
65 years and over: 11,564 (7.79%)
18 years and older by gender, 2005 data18 years and over: 101,986 (68.75%)
Male: 46,108 (45.21% of this group)
Female: 55,878 (54.79% of this group)
65 years and older by gender, 2005 data65 years and over: 11,564 (7.79%)
Male: 4,087 (35.34% of this group)
Female: 7,477 (64.66% of this group)
Races, 2005 dataOne Race: 146,219 (98.56%)
Two or more Races: 2,134 (1.44%)
White: 18,293 (12.33%)
Hispanic or Latino (of any race): 83,315 (56.16%)
Black or African American: 44,428 (29.95%)
Asian: 3,199 (2.16%)
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander: 0 (0.00%)
American Indian and Alaska Native: 450 (0.30%)
Some other race: 53,798 (36.26%)
Hispanic or Latino Races, 2005 dataHispanic or Latino (of any race): 83,315 (56.16%)
Mexican: 6,867 (4.63%)
Puerto Rican: 24,911 (16.79%)
Cuban: 439 (0.30%)
Other Hispanic or Latino: 51,098 (34.44%)
Not Hispanic or Latino: 65,038 (43.84%)
Two or More Races, 2005 dataTwo or more Races: 2,134 (1.44%)
Two races including Some other race: 638 (0.43%)
Two races excluding Some other race, and Three or more races: 741 (0.50%)
Housedold Data, 2005 dataHousehold population: 148,353 (100.00%)
Householder: 47,665 (32.13%)
Spouse: 15,334 (10.34%)
Child: 55,857 (37.65%)
Other relatives: 22,844 (15.40%)
Nonrelatives: 6,653 (4.48%)
Unmarried partner: 2,132 (1.44%)
Total households: 45,183 Family households (families): 33,554 (74.26%)
With own children under 18 years: 16,307 (36.09%)
Married-couple families: 14,420 (31.91%)
With own children under 18 years: 7,104 (15.72%)
Male householder, no wife present: 4,341 (9.61%)
With own children under 18 years: 1,148 (2.54%)
Female householder, no husband present: 14,793 (32.74%)
With own children under 18 years: 8,055 (17.83%)
Nonfamily households: 11,629 (25.74%)
Householder living alone: 10,251 (22.69%)
65 years and over: 4,277 (9.47%)
Households with one or more people under 18 years: 20,251 (44.82%)
Households with one or more people 65 years and over: 9,788 (21.66%)
Average household size : 3.28
Average family size: 3.87
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