January 6, 2014 |
Philipsburg, MTGranite County, Montana
Latitude: 46.333108 Longitude: -113.296564Population 959 (2005)Elevation of Philipsburg, Montana: 5400 feet |
Population 2005: 959 Population 2004: 936 Population 2003: 935 Population 2002: 926 Population 2001: 930 Population 2000: 914 (2000 Census) Population 1990: 925 (1990 Census) Population Growth 2000 to 2005: 4.92% Population Growth 1990 to 2000: -1.19% Population (2000 Census): 914 Male: 461 (50.44%) Female: 453 (49.56%) Median age: 44.90 years Races, 2000 Census: White: 93.44% Hispanic or Latino: 2.30% Two or more races: 1.97% American Indian: 1.31% Other race: 1.20% Asian: 0.44% Housing Units: 506 (2000 Census) Land Area: 0.8242 square miles Most populous zip code: 59858 |