KREMLIN is located in HILL county, Montana at latitude 48.571398 and longitude -110.085927. The population of KREMLIN is 126 as of the year 2000. The most common zip code of KREMLIN is
Population 2000: 126 (2000 Census)
Population (2000 Census): 126 Male: 66 (52.38%) Female: 60 (47.62%)
Median age: 37.00 years
Races, 2000 Census: White: 96.83% Hispanic or Latino: 2.38% Two or more races: 0.79%
Housing Units: 57 (2000 Census) Land Area: 0.4536 square miles
Most populous zip code: 59532
Cities & Towns nearby Kremlin
Gildford, MT 9.7mi W
Beaver Creek, MT 13.7mi E
Herron, MT 14.2mi ESE
Hingham, MT 15.5mi W
West Havre, MT 16.3mi E
Box Elder, MT 18.7mi SSE
Havre, MT 18.8mi E
Havre North, MT 19.2mi E
Saddle Butte, MT 20.5mi E
Rudyard, MT 21.5mi W
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