NORCROSS is located in GRANT county, Minnesota at latitude 45.868616 and longitude -96.194384. The population of NORCROSS is 58 as of the year 2005 with a population growth of -1.69% from the year 2000 through 2005. The most common zip code of NORCROSS is
Population 2005: 58 Population 2004: 58 Population 2003: 59 Population 2002: 59 Population 2001: 59 Population 2000: 59 (2000 Census) Population 1990: 86 (1990 Census)
Population Growth 2000 to 2005: -1.69% Population Growth 1990 to 2000: -31.40%
Population (2000 Census): 59 Male: 27 (45.76%) Female: 32 (54.24%)
Median age: 53.30 years
Races, 2000 Census: White: 100.00%
Housing Units: 40 (2000 Census) Land Area: 1.5661 square miles
Most populous zip code: 56274

Cities & Towns nearby Norcross
Herman, MN 4.8mi SSE
Tintah, MN 11.6mi NNW
Wendell, MN 12.3mi NNE
Nashua, MN 12.9mi NNW
Elbow Lake, MN 13.7mi NE
Barrett, MN 15mi ENE
Donnelly, MN 15.2mi SE
Dumont, MN 15.2mi SW
Wheaton, MN 15.2mi WSW
Tenney, MN 17.4mi NW
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