SAINT CHARLES is located in HOPKINS county, Kentucky at latitude 37.143686 and longitude -87.596625. The population of SAINT CHARLES is 112 as of the year 2000. The most common zip code of SAINT CHARLES is
Population 2000: 112 (2000 Zip Code Based Est.)
Housing Units: 55 (2000 Zip Code Based Est.) Land Area: 10.3339 square miles Water Area: 0.0449 square miles
Most populous zip code: 42453
Cities & Towns nearby Saint Charles
St. Charles, KY 3.6mi NE
Dawson Springs, KY 5.5mi WNW
Nortonville, KY 8.3mi ENE
Crofton, KY 9mi SE
Mortons Gap, KY 9.4mi NE
Earlington, KY 10.2mi NNE
White Plains, KY 12mi ENE
Cerulean, KY 12.1mi SSW
Madisonville, KY 14.1mi NNE
Princeton, KY 15.9mi W
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