LETCHER is located in LETCHER county, Kentucky at latitude 37.148006 and longitude -82.956341. The population of LETCHER is 413 as of the year 2000. The most common zip code of LETCHER is
Population 2000: 413 (2000 Zip Code Based Est.)
Housing Units: 185 (2000 Zip Code Based Est.) Land Area: 6.2319 square miles
Most populous zip code: 41832

Cities & Towns nearby Letcher
Blackey, KY 1.4mi WSW
Jeremiah, KY 1.8mi NE
Premium, KY 2.2mi SE
Redfox, KY 4.7mi N
Hallie, KY 4.7mi SSW
Isom, KY 5mi NE
Sassafras, KY 7.1mi NW
Cornettsville, KY 7.4mi WSW
Vicco, KY 7.5mi NW
Mallie, KY 7.5mi NNE
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