U.S. Beacon January 6, 2014

Topeka, KS

Shawnee County, Kansas

Latitude: 39.039200     Longitude: -95.689508
Population 121,946 (2005)
Elevation of Topeka, Kansas: 1000 feet
TOPEKA is located in SHAWNEE county, Kansas at latitude 39.039200 and longitude -95.689508 with an elevation of 1000 feet. The population of TOPEKA is 121,946 as of the year 2005 with a population growth of -0.35% from the year 2000 through 2005. The most common zip code of TOPEKA is 66614.

More data for Topeka,KS: Demographic Profile - Social Profile - Economic Profile - Housing Profile

Population 2005: 121,946
Population 2004: 121,691
Population 2003: 122,227
Population 2002: 122,197
Population 2001: 122,685
Population 2000: 122,377 (2000 Census)
Population 1990: 119,883 (1990 Census)

Population Growth 2000 to 2005: -0.35%
Population Growth 1990 to 2000: 2.08%

Population (2005 Estimate): 117,326
Male: 56,273 (47.96%)
Female: 61,053 (52.04%)

Median age: 36.00 years

Races, 2005 Data (% change from 2000):
White: 73.10% (-1.97%)
Black or African American: 11.04% (-0.67%)
Hispanic or Latino: 9.93% (+1.07%)
Other race: 6.19% (+2.13%)
Two or more races: 3.08% (-0.18%)
American Indian: 1.72% (+0.41%)
Asian: 1.34% (+0.25%)
Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander: 0.16% (+0.12%)

Housing Units: 56,435 (2000 Census)
Land Area: 56.0080 square miles
Water Area: 0.9723 square miles

Most populous zip code: 66614

All zip codes:
66601, 66603, 66604, 66605, 66606, 66607, 66608, 66609, 66610, 66611, 66612, 66614, 66615, 66616, 66617, 66618, 66619, 66620, 66621, 66622, 66624, 66625, 66626, 66628, 66629, 66634, 66636, 66637, 66638, 66642, 66647, 66652, 66653, 66658, 66667, 66675, 66683, 66686, 66692, 66699
(zip codes with population are shown in bold)

Cities & Towns nearby Topeka

Tecumseh, KS 7.4mi E
Grantville, KS 8.5mi ENE
Wakarusa, KS 10.1mi S
Silver Lake, KS 10.1mi WNW
Berryton, KS 10.1mi SE
Auburn, KS 11.4mi SW
Meriden, KS 12.2mi NNE
Willard, KS 14.1mi WNW
Hoyt, KS 14.5mi N
Carbondale, KS 15.3mi S

Population data by age, 2005 data
Under 5 years: 9,647 (8.22%)
5 to 9 years: 7,979 (6.80%)
10 to 14 years: 6,499 (5.54%)
15 to 19 years: 6,199 (5.28%)
20 to 24 years: 8,388 (7.15%)
25 to 34 years: 18,582 (15.84%)
35 to 44 years: 14,778 (12.60%)
45 to 54 years: 16,352 (13.94%)
55 to 59 years: 6,299 (5.37%)
60 to 64 years: 5,464 (4.66%)
65 to 74 years: 8,998 (7.67%)
75 to 84 years: 5,968 (5.09%)
85 years and over: 2,173 (1.85%)

Median age: 36.00 years

Population data by age, legal ages, 2005 data
18 years and over: 89,139 (75.98%)
21 years and over: 85,899 (73.21%)
62 years and over: 20,707 (17.65%)
65 years and over: 17,139 (14.61%)

18 years and older by gender, 2005 data
18 years and over: 89,139 (75.98%)
Male: 41,886 (46.99% of this group)
Female: 47,253 (53.01% of this group)

65 years and older by gender, 2005 data
65 years and over: 17,139 (14.61%)
Male: 7,425 (43.32% of this group)
Female: 9,714 (56.68% of this group)

Races, 2005 data
One Race: 113,715 (96.92%)
Two or more Races: 3,611 (3.08%)
White: 85,761 (73.10%)
Hispanic or Latino (of any race): 11,653 (9.93%)
Black or African American: 12,953 (11.04%)
Asian: 1,569 (1.34%)
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander: 185 (0.16%)
American Indian and Alaska Native: 2,022 (1.72%)
Some other race: 7,264 (6.19%)

Hispanic or Latino Races, 2005 data
Hispanic or Latino (of any race): 11,653 (9.93%)

Two or More Races, 2005 data
Two or more Races: 3,611 (3.08%)
White and Black or African American: 1,945 (1.66%)
White and American Indian and Alaska Native: 599 (0.51%)
White and Asian: 0 (0.00%)
Black or African American and American Indian and Alaska Native: 157 (0.13%)
Two races including Some other race: 535 (0.46%)
Two races excluding Some other race, and Three or more races: 2,495 (2.13%)

Housedold Data, 2005 data
Household population: 117,326 (100.00%)
Householder: 52,998 (45.17%)
Spouse: 21,751 (18.54%)
Child: 30,254 (25.79%)
Other relatives: 6,363 (5.42%)
Nonrelatives: 5,960 (5.08%)
Unmarried partner: 2,569 (2.19%)
Total households: 53,763
Family households (families): 31,692 (58.95%)
With own children under 18 years: 13,955 (25.96%)
Married-couple families: 21,881 (40.70%)
With own children under 18 years: 7,862 (14.62%)
Male householder, no wife present: 2,319 (4.31%)
With own children under 18 years: 1,384 (2.57%)
Female householder, no husband present: 7,492 (13.94%)
With own children under 18 years: 4,709 (8.76%)
Nonfamily households: 22,071 (41.05%)
Householder living alone: 19,264 (35.83%)
65 years and over: 6,129 (11.40%)
Households with one or more people under 18 years: 15,901 (29.58%)
Households with one or more people 65 years and over: 13,262 (24.67%)
Average household size : 2.18
Average family size: 2.83

More data for Topeka,KS: Demographic Profile - Social Profile - Economic Profile - Housing Profile

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