Tecopa is located in INYO county, California at latitude 35.843730 and longitude -116.211831. The population of Tecopa is 99 as of the year 2000. The most common zip code of Tecopa is
Population 2000: 99 (2000 Census)
Population (2000 Census): 99 Male: 44 (44.44%) Female: 55 (55.56%)
Median age: 62.80 years
Races, 2000 Census: White: 86.87% American Indian: 7.07% Hispanic or Latino: 4.04% Two or more races: 3.03% Black or African American: 1.01%
Housing Units: 133 (2000 Census) Land Area: 18.5822 square miles Water Area: 0.0684 square miles
Most populous zip code: 92389
Cities & Towns nearby Tecopa
Shoshone, CA 9mi NNW
Pahrump, NV 27.6mi NNE
Sandy Valley, NV 31.4mi E
Jean, NV 35.6mi E
Baker, CA 40.3mi SSE
Mount Charleston, NV 43.1mi NE
Goodsprings, NV 43.6mi E
Blue Diamond, NV 47.4mi ENE
Nipton, CA 48.2mi ESE
Fort Irwin, CA 48.5mi SW
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