Shoshone is located in INYO county, California at latitude 35.965923 and longitude -116.269652. The population of Shoshone is 52 as of the year 2000. The most common zip code of Shoshone is
Population 2000: 52 (2000 Census)
Population (2000 Census): 52 Male: 24 (46.15%) Female: 28 (53.85%)
Median age: 56.50 years
Races, 2000 Census: White: 86.54% Hispanic or Latino: 7.69% American Indian: 5.77%
Housing Units: 34 (2000 Census) Land Area: 28.7360 square miles Water Area: 0.0002 square miles
Most populous zip code: 92384
Cities & Towns nearby Shoshone
Tecopa, CA 9mi SSE
Pahrump, NV 22.1mi NE
Sandy Valley, NV 35.8mi ESE
Amargosa Valley, NV 40.1mi NNW
Jean, NV 40.3mi ESE
Mount Charleston, NV 40.8mi ENE
Furnace Creek, CA 47mi NW
Goodsprings, NV 47.7mi E
Blue Diamond, NV 48.8mi E
Baker, CA 49.2mi SSE
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