U.S. Beacon January 6, 2014

Bonanza, AR


Latitude: 35.237676     Longitude: -94.428892
Population 530 (2005)
Elevation of Bonanza, Arkansas: 520 feet

More data for Bonanza,AR: Demographic Profile - Social Profile - Economic Profile - Housing Profile

Population 2005: 530
Population 2004: 520
Population 2003: 524
Population 2002: 521
Population 2001: 519
Population 2000: 514 (2000 Census)
Population 1990: 520 (1990 Census)

Population Growth 2000 to 2005: 3.11%
Population Growth 1990 to 2000: -1.15%

Population (2000 Census): 514
Male: 273 (53.11%)
Female: 241 (46.89%)

Median age: 40.00 years

Races, 2000 Census:
White: 94.36%
Two or more races: 2.92%
Hispanic or Latino: 1.95%
American Indian: 1.17%
Other race: 0.19%

Housing Units: 219 (2000 Census)
Land Area: 1.2277 square miles

Most populous zip code:

Cities & Towns nearby Bonanza

Pocola, OK 2.9mi WNW
Hackett, AR 3.6mi SSE
Rock Island, OK 4.7mi SW
Arkoma, OK 7.7mi N
Fort Smith, AR 9.2mi N
Cameron, OK 9.3mi SW
Barling, AR 9.3mi NE
Fort Coffee, OK 9.5mi WNW
Greenwood, AR 10mi E
Moffett, OK 10.6mi N

More data for Bonanza,AR: Demographic Profile - Social Profile - Economic Profile - Housing Profile

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