INDIAN is located in ANCHORAGE county, Alaska at latitude 60.973454 and longitude -149.458303. The population of INDIAN is 237 as of the year 2000. The most common zip code of INDIAN is
Population 2000: 237 (2000 Zip Code Based Est.)
Housing Units: 134 (2000 Zip Code Based Est.) Land Area: 8.5978 square miles
Most populous zip code: 99540
Cities & Towns nearby Indian
Sunrise, AK 6.2mi S
Hope, AK 7.2mi WSW
Girdwood, AK 12.7mi E
Anchorage, AK 18.2mi NWElmendorf Afb, AK 20.3mi NNW
Fort Richardson, AK 21.1mi NNW
Eagle River, AK 23.4mi N
Whittier, AK 29.6mi ESE
Chugiak, AK 30.4mi N
Point Mackenzie, AK 31.6mi NNW
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